Tuesday, February 24, 2009

steps of making a truss roof

to start off doing a truss roof the first step was

1. we put the girder trusses up first because they hold the weight of the other types of trusses.

2. then we put in the hip trusses which go from the corner of the house and meet up at the apex

3. then the jack trusses are put in, one goes in line with the apex and the others go on the bottom cord of the t.g against the hip truss.

4. to finish off the hip end we put in the creeper trusses.

5. now we marked out our standard trusses at 600 centers and stood the 2 end ones up and clamped them to a post, then from the apex we ran a string line across the roof. that was where the rest of the apex's had to go for the other trusses.

6. we now started to stand up the trusses while temperary bracing them off as we went.

7. the next step was to put in the saddle trusses.

8. then from the hip apex we came down the valley and put valley boards on both sides of the valleys.

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